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Whether you're hauling camping gear, beach towels, or leaking groceries, the Westin Profile cargo liners will protect your factory carpet. This molded cargo liner is designed to cover the floor area in the rear of your vehicle. These digital designed custom-fit cargo mats are made from durable polyurethane polymer with a UV stabilizer to protect against sun damage. Featuring two-inch edges, the cargo liners are equipped to hold great amounts of liquid and keep dirt, debris, snow, and mud from getting in factory carpet. Westin Profile cargo liners are easy to install. For the perfect fit, remove any existing mats or liners before installing. The cargo mats can easily be removed from the vehicle for easy clean up with soap and water. If you're looking for a quality cargo liner to keep your factory carpet safe and withstand the test of time, these cargo mats are the product you're looking for.
Your cargo liner installation is easy. Simply remove any existing floor mats and replace with the Westin cargo mats for a perfect fit and ultimate coverage. If you have any questions please let us know.
Westin Profile cargo liners offer a three-year warranty. If you have any questions please let us know.