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Where is that good cutting surface when you need it? With the SeaSucker Cutting or Fillet Table, you do not need to answer that question any longer! The cutting table is available in two sizes and comes with a horizontal mount. The SeaSucker Fillet Table is available in black or white and has an adjustable mount. The fillet table can be used vertical, horizontal, or on an angle, and has built in knife sheaths. Can use one of these for cutting up bait, filleting fish, or simply use it as a serving tray. Regardless of which size and color you choose, and what you decide to do with it- the SeaSucker Cutting Boards offer a great solution!
The SeaSucker Cutting Boards are vacuum mounted to wherever you want to put it (as long as it is a non- porous surface). Remove the covers from the vacuum mounts. Make sure you clean the surface & the cups with a damp rag prior to installation. Pump up each cup until you can no longer see the orange.