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Jeep Gladiator Onboard Air Compressor Kits & Tire Inflator Devices for Trucks

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Onboard Air Compressor Systems for Trucks

Onboard air is a must-have for dedicated off-roaders. When times get tough on the trail, such as when a tire needs to be re-beaded or a puncture occurs, onboard air ensures you'll have a means of reinflating in even the most remote locations. These valuable accessories are also used to drive pneumatic accessories, ranging from air horns to air tools and pneumatic locking differentials. 

RealTruck carries a wide selection of onboard air compressors, installation components, and tire inflator devices to outfit your truck, Jeep®, or SUV. Regardless of your needs, RealTruck has the parts and know-how to complete a professional-grade, leak-free installation and put your premium parts to use off-road.

Common Uses for Truck Onboard Air Compressor Kits

So, what are all the common uses for onboard air compressors? 

We’ve already touched on the top uses, which include driving an air horn, refilling tires, operating air tools, and actuating pneumatic locking differentials. However, these aren't the only uses of an onboard air compressor system.  

Onboard air is often used while towing, allowing drivers to fill and empty air bags without needing an external air compressor. Air compressors can also be helpful in dirty, dusty, and sandy environments, enabling drivers to clean clogged air filters, differential vent lines, PCV breathers, and more.

Portable Tire Inflators & Deflators

In addition to comprehensive air compressor kits, we carry a collection of accessories engineered exclusively for quick, easy, and intuitive tire deflating and refilling. Rather than inflating or deflating each tire individually, consider employing a tire inflator kit, like the Rampage Recovery tire deflators or Up Down Air Gen2 ADS system. 

If a full onboard air compressor system is a bit elaborate for your build, consider stashing a cordless inflator, like the Viair rechargeable cordless inflator, in the glove box.

FAQs About Our Onboard Air Compressors & Tire Inflator Devices

Q: Are the same onboard air compressors used for filling truck tires compatible with air horns?

A: While similar, these compressor systems typically aren't the same. However, that's not to say they can't be used interchangeably. Especially if your system utilizes an air tank, both accessories can be run on the same compressor system. 

Q: How can I best avoid air leakage with the onboard compressor?

A: Several factors should be considered to prevent air leaks at your compressor. However, proper maintenance is the most crucial. This, paired with properly tightening your air lines and fittings and using the recommended sealing tape, can help to prevent leaks. 

Q: What's the ideal tank size for onboard truck air compressors?

A: Most off-roaders recommend 2–4 gallons of storage per CFM the compressor produces. For frequently used accessories, this equates to between 10 and 15 gallons at minimum.